Solo P. Isaac, a teacher from YES Academy, Lower Margibi County, Liberia Expresses Appreciation for First Aid Training

Solo P. Isaac Jr. is an instructor from the YES academy in rural Margibi County, Liberia. He teaches elementary and junior high divisions. Solo has been very instrumental in helping students excel in academics. He currently has a student with speaking disability, Solo for his part, provides special support for this student. For example, he reads her test to her and select the answers as she say them to him.

Why appreciating the First Aid Training conducted by Collaborating Against Poverty (CAP) Liberia, he indicated that throughout his schooling from elementary to university levels, he has never been thought basic First Aid knowledge and skills, “I have been deprived of such knowledge and as such, I could not fully support injured students or help students with emotional supports”. He recommends donors and charity organizations and foundation to support First Aid Ambassador programs in other schools in Liberia.

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